May 24, 2022
No doubt you have heard the events of yesterday's shooting in Uvalde, TX. Twenty-one dead as I write this, just a little passed midnight. Nineteen of them children. The news came to me while I was at my son's high school graduation in Central Texas. Imagine my horror when I momentarily turned my attention during the graduation to my phone to post a photo to my Instagram and I see the horrific news. I still had most of the graduation to get through. I didn't tell my husband and daughter who were sitting right beside me because I didn't want to tarnish the memory of what should be our celebratory day with yet another tragedy - a luxury I feel guilty about now and a feat that has become harder and harder everyday for all parents - to pretend everything is just fine as we careen toward an uncertain future for us and especially for our children.
The Sandy Hook shooting happened when he was still in elementary school - just 8 years old at the time. His entire school career has been overshadowed by the threat of gun violence in his school, like children all across America. There have been so many shootings in Texas and across the nation during his growing up years, not to mention the incessant active shooter drills at all levels of his schooling, kindergarten through 12th grade. How can this not be impacting our kids. Yes, "children are resilient," but not this resilient. Just look at the mental health statistics in this country. Yes, "children are resilient," but not if they are dead. Though we as a culture are desensitized, this is not normal. Not one bit of it.
As a parent I am heartbroken that my children have been traumatized in this way, at their schools and in other public places. As a constituent, I am outraged. Republicans have been in complete control of statewide political leadership in Texas for 30 years. The gun lobby is still permitted to funnel billions into our elections, essentially buying legislators, overriding public opinion. Our daily reality is a direct result of their political will. Enough with the thoughts and prayers followed by the loosening of gun laws each and every legislative session. Enough.
As my son heads off to college, instead of breathing a sigh of relief that the threat of public school shootings is behind us, my worry continues. In 2021 Texas GOP lawmakers fought for and won a victory, a law that prohibits Texas public universities from banning guns from their campuses. Yes, you read that right. When concealed carry laws passed the legislature, Texas universities tried to institute sensible gun restrictions on campuses, but the Texas legislature, Lt Governor, and Govenor pushed back and passed a law that forbade state universities from instituting any sensible gun restrictions on campus. They also lowered the age for gun purchasing to 18. Yesterday's shooter was 18.
My heart hurts today.
My heart hurts beyond measure for the parents of all those kids who will not have a graduation for their child like I've had for mine. Even if our day was marred by bloodshed, at least we had our day. My son got to walk. We, his family, got to see him cross the stage and hold dreams for his future, something I don't take for granted, not since December 12, 2014* and every day since. I hope legislators who believe in sensible gun reform are elected this November. I hope everyone gets out to vote. Our children's lives depend on it...literally.
* Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.
Copyright 2022 Marci Purcell. All rights reserved. This content is only to be printed in its entirety with express consent from the author or with proper citation given.
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